VENDOR / Facilitated financing and energy consultancy

Confindustria Marmomacchine has entered into a technical partnership with Vendor Srl in order to actively assist members in finding and using all the Enterprise 4.0 facilitated instruments and also in entering competitions in aid of companies, the public grants available in the facilitated financing context and energy efficiency.

Vendor offers efficiency solutions – financial, for energy and for 4.0 operations – for companies, with particular attention to SME needs, availing itself of a team of 62 professionals with decades of experience in the sector. The integration of the business unit enables companies to maximize benefits and have access to incentives, reducing energy waste and undertaking digital development routes.

In detail, Vendor accompanies companies towards:

FINANCIAL EFFICIENCY: obtaining tax credits, no-collateral loans, facilitated financing and tax incentives. Included among the facilitations proposed are tax credits for research and development, technological and design innovation, tax credits for investments in instrumental goods (formerly hyper-amortization), the new Sabatini law was well as regional and other incentives.

ENERGY EFFICIENCY: the analysis and implementation of work to eliminate energy waste.

4.0 OPERATIVE EFFICIENCY:  studying process and product from the viewpoint of the intelligent implementation of technologies enabling Industry 4.0.

A certified partner of the Milan Polytechnic in providing DREAMY (the Digital Readiness Assessment Maturity model), Vendor actively promotes research and works with the main Italian universities to spread best practices regarding corporate efficiency. For further information, contact: